It has just been published third, updated and expanded edition of the Commentary on Capital Market Law, edited inter alia, by Prof. Marek Wierzbowski (C. H. Beck publishing house, in series of Beck’s bog commentary). The Commentary is currently the most extensive on the market (about 2250 pages long) and a comprehensive discussion of all issues in this area of law. In addition to the Act on Public Offering, the Act on Trading and Acts on Supervision of the Financial and Capital Market, the comment also analyzes the provisions of UE Regulation No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse (MAR) and Regulation of the European Parliament and the UE Council No. 2017/1129 on prospectus.
The new, 3rd edition of the Commentary contains practical discussion of indicated regulations and refers to the achievements of doctrine and judicature, including the latest case law and positions of supervisory authorities, both national (KNF) and European (ESMA).
In the group of authors included experts in the area of Capital Market Law, especially practicing Lawyers, current and former employees of supervisory authority, and the academic teachers from leading law departments.
Outside the Prof. Marek Wierzbowski – editor of the Commentary, among the authors were: Sławomir Jakszuk – Partner, Mariusz Rypina – Associate partner and Joanna Róg-Dyrda Ph.D, Klaudia Brzezińska – Jaromin and Katarzyna Krzykwa from the Capital Market law team.