The second, updated and extended edition of the Commentary on the Act on bonds, edited by Prof. Marek Wierzbowski is already on sale

It has just been published second, updated and expanded edition of the Commentary on the Act on bonds, edited by Prof. Marek Wierzbowski (C.H. Beck publishing house, in series of Beck’s commentary). The Commentary is the first publication which describes in detail not only Act on bonds but also changes introduced by the act amending certain acts in connection with reinforcement financial market supervision and protection of investors on this market, which was a response to so called GetBack affair.

The new, 2nd edition of the Commentary contains practical discussion of indicated regulations and refers to the achievements of doctrine and judicature, including the latest case law and positions of supervisory authorities.

In the group of authors included experts in the area of Capital Market Law, especially practicing lawyers, current and former employees of the supervisory authority, and the academic lecturers from leading law faculties.

Besides Prof. Marek Wierzbowski – editor of the Commentary, among the authors were: Sławomir Jakszuk – Partner, Joanna Róg-Dyrda Ph.D, Klaudia Brzezińska – Jaromin and Katarzyna Krzykwa from the Capital Market Law team.
