Energy law

We provide comprehensive legal services for energy companies, as well as entities planning to undertake activity in the energy sector, or doing business realted to this sector. We also provide legal advice to consumers of fuel and energy. Our legal team works on all issues associated with energy law, including laws governing the activities of the electrical power sub-sector, gas industry, heating industry and the liquid fuels industry. We advise all kinds of businesses associated with the energy sector, including those engaged in energy production, distribution, storage and trading.

Our legal work in the field of energy law  includes all aspects of regulation, (concessions, tariffs,  reporting obligations to regulatory bodies, access to networks, connecting to networks, unbundling, acquiring certificates of origin and co-generation certificates of origin), as well as  matters connected with the assets necessary to run an energy enterprise (in particular problems of ownership of network infrastructure). We also deal with the contractual issues which arise in connection with energy supply, including complex contracts. Our legal expertise in the field of energy law includes also environmental concerns, both at the early stages of the investment process, and at the later stages of use of energy installations. We are also experienced in interpreting and applying the relevant construction requirements for energy facilities and assisting in legal matters associated with technical inspections.

Our wide knowledge of the energy sector, its participants and the details of their activities make us capable advisors in the most complex issues connected with this industry. We provide services to leading electro energy, fuel, and gas enterprises. We have also advised the Office of Energy Regulation and the Ministry of the Economy. Our team of experts is led by associate partner Mariusz Rypina, and Professor Wierzbowski, former advisor to the president of URE (Energy Regulatory Authority), also takes active part in work in this field.
