Annual General Meeting of Warsaw Stock Exchange

On June 25 prof. Wierzbowski presided over Annual General Meeting of Warsaw Stock Exchange.

CH Beck is printing a newest Commentary to the Polish Law on Bonds, written by a team of authors including Arkadiusz Famirski, vice head of the Legal Department of the Polish Financial supervision Authority, professor Marcin Dyl, president of the Chamber of Fund and Asset Management and former head of the Legal Department of the Polish SEC, and a group of lawyers of our firm: Marcin Marczuk, Sławomir Jakszuk, Miłka Kuźnicka, Karolina Ernt i Joanna Róg; Marek Wierzbowski is the co-author and editor of the Commentary. Poland adopted new Law on Bonds on January 15, 2015, and entered into force on July 1, 2015, widely expanding and relaxing legal standards for offerings of bonds.
