Wojciech Jacyno in the debate organised by the Law Gazette

Wojciech Jacyno, head of the Real Property Practice, participated in a debate organised by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (The Law Gazette) “The Building Code – streamlining or blocking the investments”. To a large extent the debate focused on the draft law on special rules regarding residential developments. The draft proposes revolutionary principles ae regards the legal aspect of housing developments, including a possible grant of a special planning permit for residential developments on the land with a different designation in the local master plan (e.g. on the land designated for industrial purposes). Other participants in the debate were: representative of the Association of Polish Cities, Mr. Andrzej Porawski, Director General of the Polish Federation of Developers, Mr. Konrad Płochocki, President of the Association of Polish Architects, Mr. Mariusz Ścisło and the Chairman of the Board of MURAPOL S.A., Mr. Nikodem Iskra.

Read more at http://serwisy.gazetaprawna.pl/nieruchomosci/artykuly/1113959,polska-spojne-przepisy-o-inwestycjach-mieszkaniowych.html
