Mariusz Rypina, Ph.D., associate partner, barrister (advocate), member of the Warsaw Bar Association. Business law expert with a particular focus on rail transport, energy law, antitrust, administrative and common courts proceedings.
Concerning his expertise in rail transport law, Mariusz advises the national rail infrastructure manager (PLK), railway carriers and other undertakings operating in the railway industry. On energy law he advises the largest Polish energy groups as well as others energy undertakings and entities doing business in the vicinity of the energy sector. He also advices on other specialist regulations of business law e.g. technical inspection or conformity assessment. Mariusz advised on numerous M&A transactions especially regarding notification of the concentration between undertakings.
He is an author of numerous publications on commercial and business law. Also he is co-author of the commentaries on the Act on Rail Transport, the Act on Competition and Consumer Protection, the Code od Administrative Proceedings, the Law on Proceedings before Administrative Courts, the Construction Law, the Act on Spatial Planning and Development or the Capital Market Law.
Mariusz heads the Rail Transport, Energy Law and Competition and Consumer Protection Law of Prof. Marek Wierzbowski and Partners.