Constiution for Business, Construction law, Administrative Procedure

Well known publishing house Wolters Kluwer just published a book edited by prof Wierzbowski, Constitution for Business (Konstytucja Buznesu) being a commentary on the new laws granting several rights to business entities. The book was written beside prof Wierzbowski by eminent schoolers and practitioners.

The same publishing house published a book concerning investment in construction project (“Inwestycje budowlane”). The book, co-edited by prof. Wierzbowski, was written by judges of Supreme Administrative Court and other eminent practitioners, is a “must” for everybody involved into construction or real estate business.

“Administrative procedure and procedure before administrative courts” – a new book on Administrative Procedure has been published by Beck. Prof Wierzbowski and dr. Joanna Rog-Dyrda are co-authors of the book together with some scholars. Prof Wierzbowski is also an editor of the book. The Book covers all aspects of administrative procedure including procedure before EU authorities, procedure in tax and anti-monopoly matters.
